The Pangong Tao

Ever heard of the "Yes Man" philosophy? Basically, saying yes to everything! It can be a great way to break free from your comfort zone and experience new things. Well, that's kind of how I ended up on this crazy adventure to Pangong Tso – all thanks to a spontaneous "yes!"

(For the anime fans out there, think Monkey D. Luffy – always up for an adventure!)

So, on a crisp Christmas morning, the 25th of December 2022, at a jaw-dropping -20 degrees Celsius, eleven of us piled into two cars and set off from Leh City before sunrise. The initial journey was a bit like a scene out of a sci-fi movie. The windows were completely frosted over, blocking out the view. But as the sun peeked over the horizon, Ladakh's true beauty unfolded. The terrain was breathtaking, a landscape of rugged mountains and vast plains. Around 8:00 AM, we made our first stop, and guess what? My first encounter with a completely frozen natural scene!

After a while, we reached Dabruk, a seemingly deserted village. Everything was shut tight. Thankfully, after a bit of searching, we found a small shop open, a lifesaver amidst the biting cold. We refueled with hot water and the most satisfying Maggi noodles I've ever had! (By the way, by 10:00 AM, the temperature had plummeted to a bone-chilling -27 degrees Celsius!)


The hot food definitely helped us appreciate the rest of the journey. Around 11:00 AM, the first glimpse of a massive body of water appeared in the distance. It was enormous! So vast that it took us a good 30 minutes on a straight road to reach the shore.

The mighty Pangong Tso! Breathtakingly blue and clean, with waves whipped by the wind that made it feel like a giant river. The best part? We were practically the only ones there, just two lonely cars on the vast beach. The immensity of the lake, the clear blue water, the wind – it was truly a surreal experience.

But here's the thing I didn’t know and realized later – 

The place itself is amazing, but it's the people you share the experience with that make it truly unforgettable. 

After capturing countless photos, we began our journey back, stopping for lunch at Chang La Pass. Honestly, I can't remember what we ate, but the atmosphere was incredible. Flowing water, biting wind, amazing company, stunning mountain views, and yes, the constant struggle for breath!

Finally, we returned to Zostel, where everyone gathered in the common room as usual, sharing stories and getting to know each other. As we talked, an Australian traveler picked up a guitar and started playing. The room fell silent, everyone captivated by his music.

Exhausted but exhilarated, I crashed into bed, my head filled with the memories of the day. Stay tuned for the next part of this incredible adventure!

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